Technical Assistance Resources BY and FOR
Specific Communities
National Association of Asian & Pacific Islanders Ending Sexual Violence
NAPIESV was founded in 2011 by Emma Catague, Imelda Buncab, Sopheak Tek, Nina Jusuf, and Mira Yusef. The mission of NAPIESV is to end sexual violence in Asian and Pacific Islander (API) communities and build healthy communities through transformative justice and social change. It addresses the intersections of sexual violence with gender, race, ethnicity, class, sexual orientation, ability, and age and explores their connections to community accountability. The organization also examines the role of communities in perpetuating violence and explores notions of individual and community healing.
Sisters of Color Ending Sexual Assault
Sisters of Color Ending Sexual Assault supports leadership, policy advocacy and provides training and technical assistance for Communities of Color organizations to support and enhance their capacity to provide culturally specific prevention and intervention strategies addressing sexual assault while raising the consciousness, outrage, and accountability within their communities regarding violence against women.
Minnesota Indian Women & Sexual Assault Coalition
MIWSAC’s mission:
Through unity we will strengthen our voices and build resources to create awareness and eliminate sexual violence against Indian women and children. We will vigorously apply our efforts toward influencing social change and reclaim our traditional values that honor the sovereignty of Indian women and children.
National LGBTQ Institute on Intimate Partner Violence
The National LGBTQ Institute provides foundational and advanced training focused capacity-building to serve LGBTQ survivors. Their technical assistance and on-line learning combine self-directed learning, live-streamed webinars, and online discussion with the Institute staff, experts in the field, and each other. The site also hosts a number of Resources for LGBTQ survivors.